









  1. 以父母家庭環境評論其成就,實膚淺也

    1. 社會資本建立同累積,同家世教育有莫大關係,冇香港大學教授呢個父親同任職大公報的娘家,係咪同樣出到一個學者,絕對成疑。在指出別人膚淺之前,唔該你講野表述清楚少少,反問好空洞。

  2. 空洞與否,在於有否了解反問背後之深層意義,

  3. With all due respect to the author, I think the idea implicit in this article – i.e. the notion that our future is largely shaped by the social status of our family – is counter-intuitive, border-lining dangerous if one is to apply it to reality.

    To substantiate my point, let me briefly state my situation. The university that I am currently attending has a pretty high reputation within the academia and the international policy-making field. Contrary to what your article would suggest however, many of my classmates are poor and come from conflict zones around the world – including but not limited to occupied Palestine, West Sahara, Iraq, Nepal etc. Despite their poor background and the violent upbringing, they still made it all the way to one of the more reputable institutes, and are among some of the brightest and most popular students we have here at the university, learning about how to contribute back to the society. Examples from people such as these would rebut all those claims that persons from more deprived household have worse learning capability and social awareness. In fact, quite the contrary, these people are way more aware of the world outside precisely because they are so affected by it, which in turn created that desire within them to change the society for the better. Likewise, they also spend much more time studying – or to improve their capacity to learn –because they know that education is precious and important for social mobility. On the other hand, it should also be said that there is also no guarantee that well-off kids will not be despised by the society. The Princelings in China, or terrorists such as Osama bin Laden, would be the cases in point.

    So please, do not suggest for one second that upbringing is essential to a person’s future. It is at best only an enabling factor, and definitely not an essential one. To suggest that it is all that is important for future success is not only to deny facts on the ground, but also constitute an insult to those (such as my friends) who are doing their best to exercise that natural rights of pursuing happiness.

    Leaving the counter-intuitiveness aspect aside, I fear that the idea implicit in the article is also dangerous to the society. If upbringing is essential to the success of the children, then it is only natural that parents – in their drive of providing for their kids- will do their utmost to create that environment for them to grow. In fact, this is already happening, when thousands of HK children are forced to attend extra classes and CV-boosting activities for the sake of having a “good upbringing". The problem with this is that, on this altar of building a solid foundation for later life, what are being sacrificed are the children’s innocence and a chance for them to explore the world on their own terms. More tragically, by participating in the competition and be told about what to do in order to “stay in the game”, our children are at risk of losing a precious opportunity at learning how to live and think free, and consequently are deprived of an important tool for them to figure out what life would mean for them. The implication of this is catastrophic. Too often at my university for example, I have seen HKers who are not sure about why they are in the university in the first place, other than the fact that their parents, as part of their drive to create the good environment, told them that university education is “essential for their future". At some point many of them would find themselves at a lost with what to do with life, and thereby losing that motivation to move further. Just like you can’t force a house of card to stand permanently, you can’t force someone to continuously work towards something without them first believing it. But this is exactly what the rhetoric “good environment = successful future” do. In their drive to fulfill this simplified equation towards success, parents will force the kids to do something they do not entirely agree with, and thereby destroying the future and freedom of their children without even knowing it.

    I can go on and on about all these, but the point that I want to get across is that the rhetoric – “good upbringing = successful future” – is a myth and danger to our future generation. I am sure the author means well when he/she writes this article, but for moral sake, and for truth’s sake, this is not a rhetoric that we want to or should be promoting any further. Instead of feeding that idea of “I am a loser because I do not have well-off parents”, we need to find ways that can get people motivated to explore all possible avenues and definitions to success; and if such enterprise is proven not possible, then at least do their utmost to change the system. The rhetoric that “we all ultimately are responsible for our own future" is the one that we need. It is the one that is right.

    1. Slight Correction: in the first paragraph the idea that I am referring to is the notion of “Good upbringing = Successful future". A scrutiny of this particular idea would be the subject of my comment

  4. 「旭暉呢類名字唔係一般學識不多的父母會改」是一個命題,只有真假之別,沒有合不合乎邏輯的問題。論其真假,旭暉二字有何特別?「旭日初升,晨暉初現」,小學生也懂得寫吧?又,「連名字都帶有家長的寄望……這已經是成材的先兆」,這個推論的邏輯又在哪裡?一個帶有父母寄望的名字,對成材有什麼幫助?


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